JavaFX vs Swing - Which Java GUI framework is better for desktop apps?

February 28, 2022


Desktop applications have been around for decades, and Java has been a popular choice for developing them due to its cross-platform capabilities. Two popular Java GUI frameworks for desktop app development are JavaFX and Swing.

Choosing the right framework can be a daunting task, as both have their own set of benefits and drawbacks. In this article, we will compare JavaFX and Swing by examining their features, performance and ease of use to determine which framework is better for desktop app development.


JavaFX was introduced by Oracle in 2008 as a successor to Swing. It is built on top of Java platform, and offers rich 2D and 3D graphics, animations and effects. JavaFX is designed to create rich, interactive user interface for various platforms.

Features of JavaFX

JavaFX comes with a range of features to help developers create cross-platform desktop applications. Some of the most notable features include:

  • Support for HTML5 and CSS3.
  • Powerful animation and transition effects.
  • Integrated media playback.
  • Scene Builder tool for designing and previewing UI components.

Performance of JavaFX

JavaFX has improved its performance over time, thanks to the incorporation of hardware acceleration, which speeds up the rendering process. JavaFX also offers a high level of performance when it comes to CPU usage and memory management, thereby improving the overall performance of desktop applications.

Ease of use

JavaFX offers an intuitive API, and its documentation is well-organized, making it easy for developers to get started with the framework. However, there are a few complex functionalities that require advanced programming knowledge.


Swing is a GUI widget toolkit for Java that was released in 1997 as part of the Java Foundation Classes (JFC). It is a mature framework with robust features that enable developers to create cross-platform desktop applications.

Features of Swing

Swing offers a range of features that facilitate the creation of desktop applications. Here are some of its core features:

  • Compatibility with all major operating systems.
  • Customizable UI components.
  • Pluggable look and feel.
  • Lightweight and fast.

Performance of Swing

Swing is highly performant, as it utilizes fewer system resources than other frameworks. It's a lightweight framework that allows for faster rendering of desktop applications.

Ease of use

Swing has a steeper learning curve compared to JavaFX, as it requires more advanced programming knowledge. However, with careful study and a good understanding of the framework, developers can easily create professional-grade desktop applications.



JavaFX is known for its high-performance graphics rendering, as it uses hardware acceleration for rendering. It is especially fast when it comes to 3D graphics, animations, and transitions. On the other hand, Swing is a lightweight framework that has a minimal impact on performance, making it ideal for developing applications that require heavy CPU usage.

Ease of use

JavaFX offers a simple and intuitive API, making it easier for developers to create desktop applications. Swing, on the other hand, is a mature framework that requires knowledge of advanced programming concepts.


JavaFX has a more modern look and feel compared to Swing. It comes with a range of powerful features such as scene graph, 3D graphics, and APIs for hardware acceleration. Swing, on the other hand, offers customizable UI components, compliant with all major operating systems, and customizable look and feel.


Choosing the right Java GUI framework for desktop application development is a crucial factor in determining the success of a project. With its modern look and feel and rich 3D graphics, JavaFX stands out as a strong contender for creating cross-platform desktop applications. On the other hand, Swing's lightweight nature, compatibility with all major operating systems, and customizable UI components make it an excellent framework for developing performant desktop applications.


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